So, Atkins. Yesterday went well. I was surprisingly full and satisfied all day, and going to bed knowing I didn't consume any sugar and no bread or starches whatsoever was a very happy feeling.
Today I woke up and made eggs, and had a raw, naked "salad" of red leaf lettuce and two whole radishes. Which were really spicy... I struggled to eat them, and read an article about their health benefits as I munched on them to help me get over the weirdness of their flavor. Chris assures me that after a few weeks and you crack your sugar addiction, you'll crave veggies. I believe him, I've been there before with vegetarianism/veganism... I'm just anxious to get there.
*The journey is the destination, the journey is the destination, the journey is the destination*
Oh, and I got lost exploring the Botanical Gardens yesterday. But it was a fun kind of lost, until I started getting hungry. But the hunger subsided when I breathed deeply and felt thankful for my life. College girl, all the freedoms in the world (literally), and pretty much everything I could want out of life.
One of my best friends called me yesterday, a girl who's known me since I was 12 and has loved me unconditionally for the past 8 and a half years. One thing she commented on when I responded to her "how are you?" with, "I am wonderful. Life is good," was how I'm always so positive.
I kind of laughed in her face. I was happy to hear someone say that it was so apparent, but I told her this:
"I have a lot going on in my life I could complain about. But when 800 of your facebook friends are college kids, predominantly middle- to upper-class, white kids with faith and 3.5 GPA's--who still complain about their first world problems, it kind of just makes me want to shut the hell up about my issues and try and be a positive voice in the midst of all that."
Which I suppose could be taken as pretentious, presumptive, and arrogant. But I don't overly care how it comes across frankly, because I know that it is at least in some way, true. And I can only hope I can get as good about not over-sharing/whining to my close friends... because if you asked my best friend and my boyfriend if I'm as positive and optimistic about life in private, they'd both probably laugh heartily and then shake their heads with fear in their eyes. Yeah... I'm working on that.
So here's to having a positive outlook on life. Stop doing like me and counting down til Summer, keeping track of the number of assignments and days of classes left, wishing away life. I want to live in the moment. I want to love my assignments. Law of attraction, be with me.
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