Monday, November 21, 2011

Life Update.

Just got back from a 5.5 mile walk/jog. I pretty much jogged the first 40 minutes with a few stops, then walked/jogged alternated all the way back. Took 83 minutes. Meh. Not terrible, not fantastic.

The best part about it was just that I did it. Even when you're having a blah day, putting a solid hour of a workout into your schedule changes everything.

Oh, and, I weighed in at 200 today. Praying, praying, hoping that tomorrow I'll see that 199. I may cry. Or just scream and get super excited. :)

Also, my dad had to get some shopping done today, so he took me to JCPenny and I got a new pair of jeans. A little reminder about my journey with jeans: The heaviest I've ever been was when I couldn't button my size 17 pair and went to get something I COULD wear (this was about a year ago, last winter). When size 19 didn't fit, and I realized I'd have to go up into the 20's (the REAL XL sizes), I couldn't do it. I resorted to elastic pants, and it was soon after that I started going to the gym and dropped some weight earlier this year. I'd gotten down to like 215 or so, but went back up to the mid-high 220's this Summer.

Well today, as I said, I weighed 200 pounds even. And I needed a new pair of jeans because the only pairs I have are 3 size 15 pairs that are too big, and 1 size 14 pair that fits awkwardly. So I tried on some size 13 pairs, and for good measure, grabbed a size 11.

I actually slid them on and... buttoned them. I stood there in the mirror shocked that 30 pounds could change that much about your body (which makes me excited to see what my body will be like at 170). I didn't buy them, because while they buttoned, they were not exactly flattering. Muffin top is a scary thing, ladies and gentlemen.

A note about numbers and sizes, however:
1. When I was working out and running and going to yoga about a month ago, I felt so much better and was more confident... felt more fit, firm, and slim. I was 5-10 pounds heavier. While weight matters, the biggest thing about fitness is how you FEEL. Focus on that (preaching to myself).
2. When I tried on the size 11 jeans... I don't even get this... I couldn't button the size 13 in the same brand. I just tried on the size 11 after for good measure, to see where I was at. Imagine my surprise! So realize that sometimes, it's just about the brand, the cut, the shape of the booty, where it hits you on your hips, etc, etc, etc. What matters is that you look and feel awesome. :)

I still recall just a few months ago trying to fit my leg into a size 13 jean and it wouldn't even go up. It's still weird that I've really made this life change. So excited. Ultimately, I want to be about 7/8 or 9/10 dress size, happily and fit. No bulging belly, no icky lumps. If I end up less, cool, but the idea of wearing a size 7 dress.... dang.

66 Days til I meet Ben.
118 days til my Half.
(& 348 days til the NYC Marathon... A girl can dream.)


tori.n said...

Ellie, I just stumbled upon this in my news feed. You are such an inspiring person, and I love this blog! You go girl, keep up your hard work and reap in those well deserved rewards. It's refreshing to see someone who is so avidly and actively guiding their life to where they want to be.

Ashley Moore said...

ELLIE! I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you! I've been following your blog and you have been doing an awesome job. I wish I was more motivated to fit exercise into my schedule! I'm so happy for you and I hope you have an awesome Thanksgiving. :)
-Ashley M :)

Anonymous said...

Sizes are ridiculous.
Like, today, I wore a size 0 skirt.
Seriously? There's no "0" on me anywhere!!

But, I guess because it's a skirt? I don't know.

Sometimes I hang that one, random, size "0" skirt next to my size 9 jeans and I think,

"What the eff is wrong with the fashion industry?"

I miss you so.
When you come home.
We need to take Athens.
By Sto' (m) By. Storm. That is. Cough. Cough. Cough. Good Heavens, What an Entrance!

<3 Allybean