Monday, August 15, 2011

don't look back, there's a million other people who broke the same way.

the sun was creeping delicately through the blinds, still attempting to shut out the daylight, and lingered momentarily on the lace curtain before landing on the floor of my bedroom carpet, causing these beautiful stripes across the room. it was morning and the sun was shining beautifully--wait, the sun is already up?! my tired mind asked itself flabbergastedly as i heard, again, the knock on my door that had woken me up. "Ellie? You awake?" It was Alyson, we had plans for an 8am Restorative Yoga class at Ramsey, and before hand i was supposed to go for an hour long sunrise walk and make another epic smoothie! Instead, i suppose i'd overslept my alarm (although i vaguely remember waking up at one point and nodding off back to sleep... darn it), and now i was behind on my day. i shook it off, though, and we went to the yoga class. it was awesome, being only the second yoga class i've ever attended. it was a "rest and relaxation" focused yoga, so not a whole lot of hard work, mostly just stretches... which i needed after my run and swim yesterday... swimming must really work out your tummy muscles! anyway, we got back around 9:15 and i made my way over to our gym here at the apartment and proceeded to do what you see above.:)

my friend marlon tells me not to compare my progress with anybody else... don't look at someone's mile time and try to beat that. "compete against yourself only," he said to me last night. so maybe walking 3.18 miles in an hour isn't impressive--i burned 233 calories this morning, so i honestly don't care.

tonight my darling friend Erin "Walking on Kittens" Braun is joining me for a Body Attack class, which is sure to have me on the floor in less than 2o minutes. I'm pumped. :) as for now, it is time to pursue some noms and a shower... today is the first day of classes back for the fall semester, and i wanna make sure and get to poly sci early to get a good seat!

edit: i walked faster than 2.6mph the whole way haha, i just had to slow it enough to i could take a steady picture while walking:)

1 comment:

erin7237 said...

Erin "Walking on Kittens" Braun is so super excited to go with you tonight to body attack!!!