Monday, January 30, 2012

Early Bird Gets the Worm.

So, I think I might be... doing a triathlon?

Here's how you can help:
  1. Need any odd jobs done? :D This thing is $70 if I can sign up before February 25th. I'm willing to do laundry, proof papers, give back massages... seriously.
  2. CALLING ALL BIKE OWNERS: I'd kinda need one for the race. And one for the next month to train. Halp? Please, seriously, let me know if you're interested in being a "sponsor" for me and helping me out in this huge way. :)
  3. Wanna go running? Or for a swim? Or a bike ride? Let's go. Help me get off my lazy butt!
  4. Sign up with me. 
  5. Encourage me. The plateau of the past few months has been emotionally crappy. This might be just what I need. :)
After all, I ran 3 miles yesterday. I know I can do that portion. I used to bike an hour on the stationary bike last semester, I know I have strong legs, so I just need to get back into it. I'm okay if I'm rusty for this sprint tri. The goal is just to DO IT.  :) And if anything, I've been swimming more than running over the past few months, and I'm getting a lot stronger with it. So I really sort of feel like I can actually... really... do this!

I'm excited. And terrified. But SO pumped.

So, as a summary, this semester I'm trying to do:
I hate that these fun things are so pricey. But hey, I'd give up Spring Break to do this Tri and the Spartan. Honestly.

Bed soon. Tackling 4 miles in the morning. Peace<3

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