I'm really starting to fall in love with running in the cold. I was so afraid of it before I just said, "Bump that--go do it!" I am not one to let my fears rule me. So, rather than succumbing to the wimpy side of me, I've started lacing up in 30-40 degree weather. I know, not nearly as bad as it could be... but that's still friggin' freezing. It's the coolest sensation though, because your insides get all warmed up after the first mile or so, but the longer you're out there, the more your fingers and skin feel like they're frozen. Thus, you don't notice that you're sweating profusely. I kept running because I didn't feel "that tired" and DEFINITELY wasn't "sweating enough." Ha. So I just went on--when I got in my apartment, I realized I was dripping with sweat! I didn't even notice outside!
I lapped up and around in the parking lot of my apartment. I'm glad I've started running out there, because it really does eliminate the time-consumption of driving down to Millage or the gym. I have no excuses not to run now! :P
Felt great, felt strong. Probably only did around 3 miles, I was only out there 30 minutes and I had a pretty comfy pace (hills. Yum). The thing about hills though? I'm training to push through them, so when it comes time for those races... I can be among those who power through it. Someone told me (or maybe I read it somewhere), that the hills separate athletes from runners (people who run as a hobby). I want to be an athlete--something I've never been before! I wanna be a triathlete :)
Grocery shopping later for some healthy noms. I'm so excited for this new year.
2012: The year I will reach my ultimate goal weight, run my first 10k, half marathon, and marathon. Oh, and I turn 21. You can see where my priorities are. :D
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